Hispanic Marketing Trends. The Lowest Hanging Fruta Prohibida
El Amor Se Gana Con Las Palabras
Hispanic Digital Marketing, PPC and Blogs.
Hispanic millennials are often caught between two cultures, so advertising exclusively in Spanish or English may not work. But is Spanglish the solution? It’s one of them. Increased use of English and Spanglish for Hispanic millennials is predicted for the future, it’s a channel of creativity, funny jokes or play on words. an opportunity to reach Hispanics as only US Hispanics would understand. The possibilities are endless. The Hispanic consumer is renowned for it’s creativity and humor
Even when it is contrived it works, somewhat. Ford Launched a website which allowed people to choose a language – English, Spanish, or Spanglish. Evidently most participants chose Spanglish but all 3 were selected. Is this an indication of things to come? Should you explore Spanglish keywords?
Savvy, and wealthy marketers like General Mills, McDonalds, AT&T, Wal-Mart, etc. understand value of cultural marketing specialists and targeted communication and profits speak for their decisions. Someone who knows how to do proper bilingual keyword research.
Fortunately for those not-so-wealthy but savvy marketers, social media, SEO and PPC and even Display banner campaigns, which are razor focused (by means of geofencing, for example) can use paid search and social and keyword research to target this very attractive consumer.
Language Preference
Hispanic millennials may be more responsive to an equal blend of Spanish and English whereas the older demographic may respond more if Spanish is used more. If you do your keyword research, you will find out exactly how they look for things. So you create campaigns optimized for the most profitable keywords. Also, look at your competitor’s profiles on facebook who are targeting your audience. How much of the comments are in English and how much in Spanish? How much Spanglish is used. Note that Spanglish is not only a Creative vehicle, it IS how Hispanic consumers talk to each other and expect brand to talk to them.
Even English dominant Hispanics use key, familiar Spanish words, like Mijo, Epa! Mami, a lot. Being true to the “speak” of your Hispanic audience, in all three forms, will likely win you some points. Specially on social media, where humor, advice and, certainly mockery -so be carful- go a long way for a good amount of effort and possibly very little money, if done strategically.
Spending Power
The purchasing power of the largely untapped Hispanic community is projected to reach $1.7 trillion by 2020. There are Hispanics of all socio economic levels. From the heroic farm worker, the landscaper, the handy man, bank executive, gay advertising account executive to the CEO of Coca Cola and the very wealthy wives and children of Mexicans in the Woodlands, Texas, where they live for security and other unfaithful reasons. That figures will rise even further as their population in the Us is expected to rise to 133 million by 2030. On average, Hispanics spend $1,948 annually on clothes and service purchases. This is higher than the $1,659 spent by non-Hispanics.
And they are all online. The most affordable to way to learn how to speak to your audience is to monitor their online activity. How do you do that without being a spy? You do keyword research.
Hispanic women are a significant driving force for this higher rate of spending. In the period of 2012-2013, Hispanic women spent $3.3 billion on shoes alone. By 2030, Hispanic women will contribute 30% of the female population in the US. The great recession brought these women out of the traditional stay-at-home Hispanic Mom and became an economic force to be reckoned with. As mentioned above, they not only have the last say, now they also have economic power. Plus they over-index on social media usage.
The spending habits and projected Hispanic population increase, let alone political power in this country, is an excellent opportunity for companies of all sizes to improve sales and scale up, given the tools available today thanks where targeting this elusive, multi-language and multi-cultural consumer is a lot more affordable today. You don’t need a large Hispanic Marketing Agency, nor a huge budget to get started. But if you use Hispanic Digital Marketing correctly, results will be seguros.
As Hispanic Digital Marketers we understand the Hispanic Market. We built pour careers in traditional brand marketing and sharpened our skills with bilingual digital marketing.
Are you ready to tap into the huge opportunity for your business? We are Big Bite Marketers, and we’ll help you take a Big Bite from your competitor’s market share, and then some. From Digital Hispanic Marketing, social media or inbound marketing in English and Spanish to traditional TV, Radio and Print, we can help you by providing simplified marketing solutions for businesses of any size.