Little Debbie Case Study
Little Debbie is a household name if you grew up in the United States. But for the majority of the Hispanic population, there was very little awareness of the brand and almost no knowledge of the different products.
However, Latinos, particularly Mexican, who is the brand’s main target, are very familiar with similar products from Mexico and do feel “nostalgic” about their taste and memories sharing them with family back home.
Our challenge was to introduce the Little Debbie snacks to a multi-generational Hispanic audience and generate interest in trial While hitting on all three communications pillars “Quality, Nostalgia and Indulgence".
We want them to trust that Little Debbie has the best snacks for their families because of their quality, varieties to indulge in. We want them to seek those flavors/experiences from childhood and choose Little Debbie to satisfy their family’s cravings.
Hispanic Insights
While we know that Hispanics may not have fond childhood memories with Little Debbie Snacks, we do know that Hispanics have memories growing up indulging in similar snacks.
We also know Hispanic mom’s are very conscious of the quality of products they feed their families, and that they are willing to pay more money for said quality and peace of mind.
We also know that Hispanic moms bend over backwards for their families 100% of their time. However, taking a little ME time is also important for them so we definitely wanted to leverage that knowledge.
The Solution
Consisted of three spots. Each one dedicated to a specific communication pillar.
Using an icon board game from Mexico, we depict a modern Hispanic family enjoying some quality time together, just like in the old days. However, the ever present abuelita can’t help but to remiss on the “good all days” when all of them were doing things together, not each on his own, with their heads in the mobile screens.
Abuelita was in for a surprise.
This spot showed that Mom’s ME time is best serve indulging on a Little Debbie snack. Which makes it a perfect escape from her duties. Even if ever so short.
We show dad and daughter shopping without Mom, but not without her strict adherence to quality, as they constantly check with her for approval on the product she deems “Qualified” for her family.
However, when it comes to Little Debbie snacks,
any will do.
The Results
•Ad exposure corresponded to significant lifts across key metrics (pre vs post)
• 11-point lift in past week purchases (+ 34%)
• 5-point lift in purchase intent (+9%)
• 7-point lift in brand advocacy (+18%)
•Scored well against key brand pillars
•Tastes great – 14-point lift – scored 25% better post-exposure
•Is fun to eat – 13-point lift – scored 25% better post-exposure
•Comes in a wide variety – 11-point lift – scored 19% better post-exposure