Content Marketing Is King with Hispanics

The fact that Hispanics over-index in just about any possitive online marketing measure, from higher click through rates on desketop and mobile, better email response, more ad clicking, Social Media participation, etc, a little investment on the part of the Brand or GM agency, could go a long, long way with new customer acquisition objectives.

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edward wakefield
What's Hispanic About That?

What was the Hispanic insight? It was that while most people believe that the man wears the pants at a Hispanic household, the reality is that the wife is the one that rules the house, plain and simple.  What was the client's reaction?  That's not a Hispanic insight, the same happens in General Market households.  But I love it nonetheless because it is funny (and of course, because she wore the pants in her house- we assumed- and the spot appealed to her, personally.

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edward wakefield
Content Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Hispanic Marketing agencies should be at the forefront of this trend. Not only do Hispanics over-index in all types of digital engagement, compared to the amounts of content available to the general market online, Hispanics only feed on "content scraps", if they are lucky

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edward wakefield